Root canals

Preserving a major part of your teeth by keeping it healthy and long-lasting is the main goal from a dentist's point of view, however, there would be times when teeth would require removal such as a dental trauma, impacted or wisdom teeth, etc.

A tooth extraction is a simple dental procedure that involves the removal of damaged teeth. The type of extraction would solely depend on the location and nature of the teeth that's being extracted.

Reasons for tooth extraction

Your teeth may be extracted for several reasons such as:


Although it is possible to save your teeth in either of these cases, critical cases of dental trauma or infection would likely lead to an extraction to preserve the remaining set of teeth in the oral cavity.

Orthodontic Treatment

Crowded or crooked teeth are usually treated by using dental appliances such as braces or expanders. However in cases where teeth would need ample space to grow, your dentist would advise an extraction for perfect alignment and smoother treatment.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When your impacted wisdom teeth are depositing food particles over time that have been leading to infection, it has the potential to damage nearby healthy teeth and gum tissues. It is best to have such teeth removed to avoid further damage to your oral cavity.


The process that involves extracting your teeth begins with a radiographic extraction. This would allow the dentist to look closely at your tooth roots and its surrounding bones. The tooth extraction procedure would start off by numbing the extraction site with a local anesthesia. Based on the severity of your case, the oral surgeon would recommend for either a simple extraction or a surgical extraction.

  • Simple extraction

    Involves the removal of teeth by loosening it. Teeth may be extracted by using an instrument known as an elevator.

  • Surgical extraction

    This method of extraction is advised in complex cases. It would involve making incisions and sutures on the extraction site. Surgical extraction is mostly recommended when we are dealing with a broken or chipped tooth.

To understand more about tooth extractions, request an appointment with us by calling our office at (702) 258-5433 or place an appointment online.


8650 W. Tropicana Avenue Suite A207, Las Vegas, NV 89147

Office Hours

MON - THU 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI - SUN Closed

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Phone: (702) 258-5433