Laser whitening

The use of laser light in dentistry has been a remarkable achievement over the past few years. In today's fast-paced world, time is a precious factor, and faster results are everyone's favorite choice when it comes to treatment, and this is how the use of laser in dentistry has quite changed the method of treating dental conditions.

About 80 percent of the patients visiting a dentist enquires about teeth whitening. Traditional methods of teeth whitening used a whitening gel where the teeth would be soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide that would help lighten the color of your teeth. This procedure could be repeated at home, or at a dentist's office.

What is laser teeth whitening?

In laser teeth whitening, the cosmetic dentist would use laser light to activate the whitening molecules present in the teeth whitening solution. Laser light helps lift stains faster. The reaction is much quicker and the results are promising. Unlike regular teeth whitening, laser whitening would be performed in a supervised environment.

Steps to Laser Teeth Whitening

  • Screening and Examination

    The initial screening will allow the dentist to check the oral cavity for signs of gum recession. Exposed tooth roots may bleach your teeth unevenly.

  • Pre-treatment

    Pre-treatment involves cleaning the teeth before whitening them. The dentist would treat for cavities and decay before considering a whitening procedure.

  • Teeth Whitening

    The laser teeth whitening would begin by using a rubber-like protective layer of coating that would shield the gums during the procedure. Once the gums are fully under the protective layer, the dentist would use a syringe-like instrument and apply the whitening gel to the front of the teeth. A pen-type laser instrument would activate the compounds of the whitening gel causing it to foam. This is an indication that the gel is working its way and removing off the stains from the teeth's surface. This process might be repeated. Once completed, the dentist would carefully rinse the patient's mouth and remove the protective layer from the gums.

Request an appointment with Dr. Malaki to find out more about your teeth whitening options. Call our office at (702) 258-5433 or place an appointment online.


8650 W. Tropicana Avenue Suite A207, Las Vegas, NV 89147

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FRI - SUN Closed

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