Cavity Fillings

Saving your damaged or decayed teeth is now much simpler than it seems. Back in the days, a damaged tooth would have meant an extraction, but if a major part of the tooth has chances of survival, dental fillings can help restore it to its normal function and form. Fillings are great as it helps close off gaps preventing the entry of bacteria that may lead to decay. There are several types of filling materials such as porcelain fillings, tooth-colored fillings, and amalgam fillings.


Fillings are primarily used to treat cavity filled teeth. The dentist would eliminate the portion of the tooth that is decayed and replace it with a filling material. Dental fillings can also repair cracked or broken teeth.


  • The procedure would begin by numbing the area around the tooth that requires filling.
  • he dentist would then remove the decayed part of the tooth with an air abrasion instrument.
  • Once all decayed material are removed, an appropriate space would be created to receive the filling material.
  • The filling material would be applied in layers inside the tooth
  • A curing light would be lit over the tooth to help harden the material.

Types of fillings

  • Amalgam fillings

    Amalgam fillings are the most common type of dental filling used by dental professional for ages. Nowadays, due to its obvious color, amalgam fillings are mainly used in the back of the mouth.

  • Composite fillings

    Tooth-colored or composite fillings are made from synthetic resin material. They function as fillings to not only restore your decayed teeth, but also to improve its appearance by enhancing the color of your teeth.

  • Ceramic fillings

    Ceramic fillings are porcelain origin and are known to be more resistant to staining. These fillings are also known to have a cosmetic advantage and are mostly used for teeth that are more visible.

To understand more about dental fillings and its restorative properties, request an appointment with us by calling our office at (702) 258-5433 or place an appointment online.


8650 W. Tropicana Avenue Suite A207, Las Vegas, NV 89147

Office Hours

MON - THU 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI - SUN Closed

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Phone: (702) 258-5433