
Crowns are a tooth-shaped cap-like restoration that covers damaged or decayed teeth. Dental crowns may be used for several reasons. Your dentist would generally recommend it when teeth suffer from severe damage such as breakage, external injury, cracks, or even for a root canal. A tooth that had been restored using a filling would also need crowns to protect it after the filling process.

Dental crowns can be prefabricated or custom-made in laboratories. Most prefabricated crowns are made of either plastic or stainless steel. The dentist would mostly advise prefabricated crowns for temporary adjustments until permanent ones are ready. Crowns come in different materials such as all metal crowns, zirconia, porcelain-fused-to-metal, all-ceramic crowns. Although all-metal crowns are known to be stronger, ceramic crowns are designed to closely match the color of the patient's teeth making it look almost real and natural.

What is the procedure involved in getting dental crowns?

In order to place a dental crown, the dentist would file down the tooth to make space for it. Once the filing is done, there are two ways to prepare the permanent crown. At some practices, getting dental crowns would require two visits, while in some practices, the dentist would have the technology that can design your crown in a matter of minutes.

The traditional approach would involve the dentist making impressions of the tooth using a rubber-like material. These impressions would be sent to the lab and the crown is made. Impressions are a necessary factor when it comes to ensuring a proper fit for the crowns. During your initial visit, the dentist would place a temporary crown until the permanent ones are ready. The second visit would involve placement of the permanent crowns after removing the permanent ones.

From protecting teeth from damage and decay, dental crowns are known to have a really good success rate.

What are the benefits of dental crowns?

Dental crowns are known to have the following advantages. They are capable of offering:

  • Protection and restores teeth structure

    Crowns are capable of offering the best protection for a weak or damaged tooth. Teeth that had undergone a root canal would also require dental crowns.

  • Esthetics and appearance

    Apart from providing physical protection for the tooth, crowns are also known to improve appearance and smile esthetics. Dental crowns are capable of restoring the tooth's normal shape and size. Ceramic crowns do a great job at making your smile look as natural as possible.

  • Durability

    Crowns are known to have a very high success rate as they are manufactured from high quality and strong materials.

Call us at (702) 258-5433 or request an appointment with us online for your restorative concerns and we shall provide you the best.


8650 W. Tropicana Avenue Suite A207, Las Vegas, NV 89147

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MON - THU 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI - SUN Closed

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Phone: (702) 258-5433